
At  Exousia Bible College, there are two degree tracks:  the bachelor's and master's tracks.

The bachelor track includes two years of study, while the the masters track includes 2 years of study above the bachelor's track (4 years total). 

Each year is completed at the rate of one class per month,  each at  5 credit hours being awarded for each class. Each year of completion is 60 credit hours. 

All papers are to be written in APA format in size 12 font. Papers 3-5 pages require am inimum of 4 references, papers 10 -15 pages requrire 8, papers 20-25 pages require 10. Papers 30-60 pages require 15. All theses require a minimum of 25 references and all dissertations require a minimum of 30.

The first two years are the bachelors track and the last two years are the masters track.

Each class is 4 weeks long. Each week the student is required to watch all videos included in the course, complete discussion questions,  essay homework and a 4-5 page paper, APA format with a minimum of 3 references convering a sub-topic of the course. Additionally, a live-feed video session of 30 minutes is required of the student with their teacher. The teacher will schedule as necessary.



The two diploma programs at Exousia include the Diploma in Advanced Biblical Studies and the College of the Prophets Diploma. 

Each program includes 7 courses from the Exousia curriculum.

Advanced Biblical Studies:

Requirements: Same as admission requirments.

1. Church History
2. Biblical Surveying
3. Comprehensive Theology
4. Technologies of the Spirit
5. Hermeneutics
6. Spiritual Gifts
7. Deliverance
8. A comprehensive 20 page paper.


College of the Prophets
(Only available after completion of a bachelors degree and/or by selection only. Only so many slots will be made available and not everyone who applies will be admitted.)

Application includes the regular admission application in addition to an additional

Pre-admission Requirements: 

1. Same requirements as admission to incldue: a two page background of the student explaining their prophetic experience, their call to the prophetic and their understanding of the prophetic office and gifting. 

2. Endorsement and proof of the prophetic operation, gifting or office on the life of the applicant.

Courses Taken:
1. Prophets, False Prophets and Prophecy
2. Spiritual Gifts, Signs, Miracles, and Wonders
3. Deliverance and Healing
4. Comprehencisve Theology
5. Demonology and Angelology
6. The Spirit Realm
7. Ancient Mystical Philosophy and Types
8. A comprehensive 25 page paper. 



Requirements: A High School Diploma or equivalent, a 1 page bogpraphy of your life,  a 1 page Paper of Intention describing why you would like to become a life coach and a 1 page paper describing your Christian experience. 

Courses Taken
1. Biblical Psychology
2. Pastoral Counseling
3. Comprehensive Theology
4. Intro to Hermeneutics and Apologetics
5. Intro to Demonology and Angelology 
6. Intro to Deliverance and Prophecy 
7. Positive Psychological Methods
8. A comprehensive 25 page paper.


Requirements: Same as addmission in addition to a 1 page biography, evidence of ordination (not licensure), 1 page paper describing why you want to be a c ounselor and a 1 page Intention Paper outlining how you intend to use the certification.

1. Biblical Psychology
2. Pastoral Counseling
3. Comprehensive Theology
4. Theocentric Psychology
5. Positive Psychological Methods
6. The Spirit Realm
7. Intro to Demonology and Angelology
8. World Religions
9. Public Speaking
10. Christology
11. A comprehensive 30 page paper


Exousia Bible College. The Future of Theology.